What Is Business Objects in SAP

Business Object Type in SAP contains methods, attributes and events which give a component based view of any Business Process. For example we have a Purchase Order business process. This process includes various small [...]

How To Add Favorites To SAP Main Menu

One of the more productive ways of working within SAP is to use the Favorites procedure On the SAP Main Menu.  Generally a user processes the same T-codes over and over.  SAP has a built-in method of gathering [...]

How To Define Business Roles [SAP CRM]

The Business role is the central object for controlling the Navigation Bar, the Logical Links and the authorizations for users. The business role determines the different profiles of the UI and what is visible on the UI. How [...]

How To Post SAP FI Document Using BAPI

The accounting documents record changes in values in a company code arising from accounting transactions. They consist of one or more line items (postings), each of which represents an individual transaction posted to an account. When posting an accounting [...]

How To Defining and Implementing Business Add-ins (BADI)

Business add-ins (BADI) are enhancements to the standard version of the system. They can be inserted into the SAP System to accommodate user requirements too specific to be included in the standard delivery. Two different [...]